Can Two People Get Sober Together in Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Prescott AZ?

couple getting sober in drug and alcohol rehab in Prescott AZ

It’s not uncommon for two people to use drugs or alcohol together, especially when they are dating or married. It’s also not uncommon for couples to attend drug and alcohol rehab in Prescott AZ together. However, to make this work, both parties have to deal with the underlying reasons for their substance use and make a commitment to stay sober. 

While it is entirely possible for two people to get sober together, it’s not without its challenges. Getting sober on your own is hard enough, so getting sober as a unit can be even tougher. Let’s learn more about the challenges of getting sober in a relationship, realizing when you need help and tips for being successful as a couple. 

When Couples Use Substances Together 

Let’s face it. It’s easy for couples to use drugs or alcohol together. Couples spend a lot of time together and are exposed to the same environment, triggers and people. If one person is using substances, it’s easy for the other one to as well. Once this shared substance use starts, it’s hard to stop it. Each person is dependent on the other to drink or use drugs. 

But it’s not just the substance use itself that is a concern. When people actively use drugs or alcohol, they are likely to adopt other unhealthy behaviors. They tend to lie, manipulate and get defensive, as well have a hard time keeping a job and maintaining responsibilities at home. These factors can make the relationship even more tumultuous. 

Additionally, people who abuse drugs or alcohol are often doing so because of a deeper emotional issue, such as trauma, abuse or low self-esteem. If these problems aren’t processed and resolved in a healthy way, they can continue to negatively impact the relationship.

Bottom line: Using substances together is easy. But it prevents you from dealing with problems head on and developing a healthy relationship built on trust, honesty and mutual respect. 

Making the Decision to Seek Drug and Alcohol Rehab

In order for both people to get sober, they must both want it. If you want to get sober and your partner doesn’t, it’s going to be difficult to be successful. Not only will you be lacking support, but also there will be triggers all around you. Ask yourself these questions to determine if you and your partner are ready for this life-changing journey: 

  • Do we both genuinely want to stop using drugs or alcohol? 
  • Are we both committed to the recovery process? 
  • Are we both willing to explore the underlying reasons for the substance use?
  • Will we hold each other accountable? 
  • Are we prepared to be positive influences on each other? 

As long as you are both ready and willing to put in the work, it is possible for you to recover together. In fact, you may even become powerful allies for each other. But do know that it’s important to keep realistic expectations throughout the process. Recovery is a long and personal journey. Just because you and your partner are doing it together does not mean you will have the same experience or be in the same place at the same time. 

The Challenges of Getting Sober as a Couple 

Let’s look at some of the challenges of entering drug and alcohol rehab in Prescott AZ as a couple. These points are not meant to deter you from embarking on this journey together. Rather, it’s to help you realize the complexity of these dynamics and the roadblocks you may encounter. 

Here are some challenges that individuals in recovery face, and how they may impact you as a couple: 

  • Self-care. How do you plan to take care of yourself? Self-care looks different for everyone. You may enjoy painting or listening to music, and your partner may prefer to be outdoors. Will your partner be supportive of this? 
  • Change in social circle. You may have to distance yourself from friends and family members. Will your partner be able to do the same? 
  • Difficulty coping. It can be difficult to learn how to cope without turning to substances. You may see sides of your partner you haven’t seen before, and vice versa. 
  • Different journey. Recovery is a personal journey. How will you feel if your partner seems to be moving faster or slower than you? What happens if they relapse? 

How Couples Can Get Sober Together 

Now that you are aware of some of the challenges of getting sober together, let’s talk about the ways that you can make this experience successful. If you and your partner are truly committed to recovery and ready to put in the hard work, you can recover and be sources of support for one another. 

Here are some of the best ways to encourage sobriety as a couple: 

Remember, recovery is an individual journey. 

Although you and your partner can encourage each other along the way, it’s important to remember that recovery is an individual journey. You are on your own unique paths, and you must focus on your recovery while your partner focuses on theirs. 

Address the underlying causes of your addiction. 

People tend to use drugs and alcohol to cope with a deeper emotional issue. Perhaps you have an untreated mental health condition, low self-esteem or a history of trauma. Your partner may have an entirely different set of issues. To fully recover, you’ll need to address these problems and heal from them. 

Participate in couples counseling or family therapy.

As part of the healing journey, make sure that you and your partner spend time in either couples counseling or family therapy. This will help you learn how to communicate better and work through problems in a healthy way. It’s not uncommon for couples with a history of substance use to have resentment, disappointment and hurt feelings. 

Try new sober activities together.

Since drugs or alcohol were likely your way to unwind, you’ll need to find new activities to bond over. Be open to trying new hobbies and experiences with your partner, such as cooking, DIY projects, gardening, exploring nature or playing a sport. This will allow you to share in activities that you both enjoy while growing in your relationship. 

Start Your Journey – Together – at Our Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Prescott AZ

Are you and your partner ready to get sober? If so, Wolf Creek Recovery can help you on your journeys. We have convenient outpatient programs, a wide range of therapies (including family therapy) and a highly trained staff. You will also get to participate in outdoor therapy, introducing you to various hobbies and activities to fill your time. 

To learn more about our program and how we can help you and your partner succeed, contact Wolf Creek Recovery today.