woman finding alcohol rehabs near me

Dry January is a 31-day alcohol free initiative started by Alcohol Change UK. The goal is to take a month off from drinking to reset your body and mind. In turn, you’ll see a wide range of benefits, such as improved sleep and mental health to more time and money. 

Quitting alcohol for a month can also uncover potential alcohol problems. If you’re unable to stop drinking or you experience withdrawal effects, you may benefit from professional support. To participate in Dry January, check out the Try Dry app for both Apple and Android! 

Let’s learn more about Dry January, what it entails, how to succeed and signs that you may benefit from ‘alcohol rehabs near me.’

Dry January: What it Is and Why It’s Worth Trying 

Dry January is simply a 31-day break from booze that started back in 2013. Since then, this initiative has grown in popularity and has even helped some individuals recognize the extent of their drinking problem. To participate in Dry January, all you need to do is commit to staying sober for the whole month. 

Additionally, there’s plenty of built-in support for those who want to stop drinking, such as the Try Dry app, tips for cutting down, an educational blog, peer support groups and more. If you are a heavy drinker who is looking to go dry, make sure you talk to your doctor first. People who are clinically alcohol dependent can die if they quit cold turkey. 

So, is Dry January really worth trying – even if it’s just for one month? Absolutely. Not only might you identify unhealthy drinking patterns, but also you’ll get to experience the benefits of not drinking, which can prompt healthy, sustainable change. 

Health Benefits of Dry January 

Excessive alcohol use comes with a number of health risks, such as an increased risk for cancer, heart or liver disease, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, alcohol dependence and a weakened immune system. Regular drinkers who abstain from alcohol for 30 days will see many benefits.

First week:

  • More energy
  • Better sleep
  • Improved concentration 
  • Wake up feeling more refreshed 

Second week: 

  • Clearer thinking 
  • Increased energy 
  • Reduction in acid reflux 
  • More in tune with your body 

Third week: 

  • Improvements in memory 
  • Retain information longer 
  • Improved focus and attention 
  • Lose weight easier 

Fourth Week+:

  • Reduced risk for cancer, heart disease and stroke 
  • Increased life expectancy 
  • Lowered blood pressure 
  • Boosted immunity 
  • Improved liver function 
  • Fewer stomach problems 
  • Better looking skin – less redness 

Who Should Try Dry January? 

Anyone can benefit from taking a month off from alcohol. Most people use this month to get healthier anyway. Dry January not only encourages you to reduce your alcohol intake, but also it allows you to establish other healthy habits like daily exercise, healthy eating and restful sleep. 

By embracing other positive changes, you’re more likely to build a healthy life that does not include drugs or alcohol, making it easier to stick to your goals. 

Dry January can also be a good time for people who are on the fence to uncover the severity of their drinking problem. Even if you don’t have a full-blown alcohol use disorder, you could be moving in that direction. Whenever you abuse alcohol, you run the risk of developing an addiction. If you have trouble stopping or experience withdrawal effects, this is a sign that you may need professional support. 

Remember, if you are clinically alcohol dependent, stopping alcohol abruptly can be dangerous. Alcohol detox causes intense withdrawal symptoms, including delirium tremens, seizures and hallucinations. If you are dependent on alcohol, talk to your doctor before stopping. To be safe, you will likely need to follow a tapering off approach, which can be done successfully at a medical detox facility. 

How to Know You Need Rehab 

While there are different ways you can quit alcohol, an alcohol rehab is the preferred choice for many individuals. As you search for ‘alcohol rehabs near me’, you’ll find a number of facilities that provide a safe and supportive environment for healing from an alcohol addiction. 

Some rehabs offer detox on-site while others will refer you to a local detox center. Wolf Creek Recovery has a detox referral service, and once you complete your stay in detox, you can transfer to our facility. Detox eliminates drugs, alcohol and toxins from the body, restoring your physical body so that you can prepare for long-term recovery. 

How to Find A Rehab Near You

The easiest way to find alcohol rehabs in your area is by doing a quick search for ‘alcohol rehabs near me.’ Google will then pull up a list of rehabilitation facilities near you – but it’s your job to do the research. Some factors to consider include: 

  • Level of treatment. What level of care do you need to start your recovery – inpatient or outpatient? How long should your treatment stay be? The most common lengths are 30, 60 and 90 days. 
  • Cost. Determine how you will pay for treatment costs. Your insurance is likely to cover some, if not all, of your care, so choose a facility that accepts your insurance coverage. 
  • Facility mission and philosophy. Check the rehab’s philosophy and see if it aligns with your beliefs and needs (12-step, evidence-based, spiritual). 
  • Aftercare. Many alcohol rehabs, including Wolf Creek Recovery, offer relapse prevention and aftercare planning, which is helpful once you leave treatment. 
  • Personal health and wellbeing. Addiction is more than a physical disease. It also affects you mentally, emotionally, socially and physically. Choose an alcohol rehab that will meet these needs, along with your physical needs.
  • Location. Do you want to stay close to your friends and family, or do you need a change of scenery? Also, does the weather make a difference to you? Some people prefer to recover in warm, sunny locations. 

Let Wolf Creek Recovery Help You Today

All you need to start Dry January is a commitment to stay sober. You never know what awaits you – a healthier body, more energy, greater concentration and the prevention of an alcohol use disorder. To learn more about Wolf Creek Recovery’s alcohol rehab program, call us at 833-732-8202 today.