leaving for PHP rehab in Prescott

A partial hospitalization program (PHP) is a type of outpatient recovery program designed to offer a high level of care. These programs provide more freedom and flexibility than inpatient programs, as they allow clients to return home at night. A PHP rehab in Prescott is more intensive than standard outpatient programs, though the goal is to eventually ‘step down’ to this lower level of care when the time is right. 

If you or a loved one is preparing for PHP rehab, this article will help you make a successful transition. Below is all the information you need to know about preparing for drug or alcohol rehab. 

Research Rehab Facilities 

Take the time to research and choose a rehab facility that aligns with your needs and goals. Look for accredited and licensed facilities with a proven track record of successful rehabilitation. Also explore their approach to therapy, counseling and aftercare support. 

Don’t just rely on the internet. As good as a treatment facility might look online, it’s important to take the next steps to call the center and speak with the admissions team. Some ads promise a cure, but addiction is not a curable condition. However, it is a treatable condition with the right therapies and medications.

And, if you know someone who has been in your situation before, you can ask them for a recommendation. Many people work these programs and can offer insight into what helped them recover. 

Make Arrangements for Work, School and Home 

Prepare your life outside of rehab to ensure a smooth transition. This is especially important if you have a family at home. You may need to coordinate with others to ensure your kids are dropped off and picked up on time for school and extracurriculars. Also make sure that the bills will be paid, household chores will be done and pets will be cared for. 

You should also notify your employer or school to let them know about your absence. Keep in mind that there are protections in place for those who seek rehab for a substance use disorder. As long as you are seeking treatment services for your addiction and not coming to work under the influence, your employer cannot discriminate against you

Start Building a Community 

Building a support network is important after completing PHP rehab in Prescott, but you don’t need to wait this long. You can start building your support network now! 

Let your close friends and family know about your decision to enter rehab. Ask for their support and understanding during your absence, and also be willing to accept help from those who are offering it. It takes a village sometimes! 

Pack Thoughtfully

Even if you are not attending inpatient rehab in Prescott, you may still need to pack some essentials. For instance, wear comfortable clothing and pack other essential items to get through your days in partial hospitalization. And of course, leave behind items related to substance use, such as drugs, alcohol or paraphernalia. 

Wolf Creek Recovery offers a wide range of alternative therapies in addition to our evidence-based therapies. If you’re participating in outdoor therapy, for instance, you’ll want to wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Some clients also like to keep books, crossword puzzles, etc. in their vehicles to prevent boredom in their down time. 

Set Realistic Expectations

Understand that rehab is not a quick fix but rather a transformative process. You’re likely to experience different challenges and emotional ups and downs during your journey. Trust the process and stay committed to your recovery plan. 

Also, set goals and expectations for yourself. However, make sure they are realistic and not out of reach. This will only leave you feeling frustrated! Focus on the things you have achieved and remain patient. Sobriety is a lifelong journey with good days and bad days. 

Prepare Emotionally

Mental and emotional readiness are essential for PHP rehab in Prescott. While many people dread the detox and withdrawal period, this stage of recovery goes by quickly. The next step is to enter drug rehab, where you will be responsible for participating in support groups and counseling. 

Be honest about yourself and your needs. Therapy and counseling will help you address the root causes of your addiction. You may also want to start a journal where you can keep track of your thoughts, feelings and progress. It’s always uplifting to look back at your journey and see how far you’ve come. 

Communicate with Your Loved Ones

Fortunately, PHP programs allow you to return home at night to be with your family. Keep the lines of communication open and let your loved ones know what you are working on in therapy. Of course, you only have to share what you are comfortable with. 

Another benefit to attending an outpatient program is that you get to apply the things you are learning right away. You do not need to wait until the program is over to use the tools and strategies you are developing. Also, attend family therapy sessions if they are offered, as they can help repair relationships strained by addiction. 

Embrace a Positive Mindset

Approach drug rehab with a positive mindset. Believe in your ability to overcome addiction and lead a fulfilling, sober life. You can succeed as long as you’re willing to put in the work. Alternative therapies like yoga and mindfulness can help you develop a positive mindset by helping you live in the moment and embrace gratitude. 

Start Your Journey with PHP Rehab in Prescott 

Preparing for PHP is a crucial step towards lasting recovery. By acknowledging your need for help and embracing a positive mindset, you can lay the foundation for a successful rehabilitation journey. 

Remember that rehab is a transformative process that requires dedication, but it offers the opportunity for a healthier, drug-free future filled with hope and healing. To learn more about the outpatient programs offered through Wolf Creek Recovery, contact our admissions team today. We can help you find the right level of care for your needs.