quit drinking

Deciding whether or not to go to alcohol rehab in Arizona is a big decision. You may be dealing with certain barriers, such as spending time away from loved ones, taking time off work or affording the cost of care. You may also be concerned about the stigma of addiction and what others will think of you. 

It’s even normal to have some hesitancy about ending your relationship with alcohol. Not everyone who enters rehab is entirely ready to quit. Some do it because they know that if they don’t, they’ll lose everything. Others do it because their family is forcing them to. And some have truly hit rock bottom and know they need to change. 

A common thought that often comes up is if a person can quit drinking on their own. While quitting alcohol on your own is not impossible, it is extremely difficult. Plus, there are many risks to be aware of, some of which are fatal. Therefore, we do not recommend doing this alone. And, there’s no need to.

Why Can’t I Stop Drinking On My Own? 

Lots of people cut down or stop drinking on their own, but these individuals are not suffering from an alcohol use disorder (AUD). When you have an AUD, things are different. You will go through an intense withdrawal period that should not be done alone, and we’ll explain why. Recovery also benefits from therapy and peer support. Without this, it’s nearly impossible to change your behaviors. 

Believe it or not, alcohol is one of the most difficult drugs to withdraw from. Symptoms can appear as soon as six hours from your last drink. Within 12 to 24 hours, you can start experiencing more severe problems like hallucinations and seizures. Then, after 48 to 72 hours, delirium tremens (DTs) might start, which involve vivid hallucinations and delusions. It is these symptoms that can lead to death. 

When you go through this process in a safe, supportive detox center, you’ll have the support you need to be successful. The support staff will keep you safe and comfortable using medication and alternative therapies. Once detox is complete, typically 7 to 10 days, you will start therapy at an Arizona treatment center. Here, you will learn your triggers for drinking and how to develop better coping skills. 

Benefits of Alcohol Rehab in Prescott Arizona

The right rehab will ensure your comfort and safety during the withdrawal period, and provide you with effective, evidence-based treatment. Let’s look at the many benefits of recovering from an AUD at a treatment facility like Wolf Creek Recovery.

  • Customized treatment. You will receive an individualized treatment plan that addresses your unique needs. This plan will also give you concrete things to work on and goals to meet based on the severity of your addiction, the substances you are addicted to, the presence of co-occurring disorders and your family environment. 
  • Access to medication. There are a number of medications that can make alcohol withdrawal and recovery more tolerable, such as acamprosate, disulfiram and naltrexone. These drugs reduce cravings, stop the feel-good effects of alcohol and raise abstinence rates. 
  • Built-in support. In order to change the behaviors that led to your AUD, you need support from friends and family. An alcohol rehab in AZ gives you access to peers, therapists, counselors and others who will support your recovery. 

Going to rehab leads to far better outcomes than trying to quit drinking on your own. You’ll have all the tools and resources you need to get better, and you’ll learn to develop healthier ways to cope that do not involve alcohol. To learn more about our Arizona alcohol rehab, contact Wolf Creek Recovery today. We offer two phases of addiction treatment and a referral service for detox.