LSD use has been on the rise, with rates almost quadrupling between 2002 and 2019. Many people initially view it as a harmless way to experiment or enhance experiences, but over time, it can lead to repeated use and deeper patterns. Understanding the risks and impacts of LSD is essential for anyone navigating its effects on their life or the life of a loved one.

While developing a harmful LSD habit isn’t as common as something like an opioid use disorder, it still presents its own dangers and can impact your life in a significant way.

We’re very familiar with substance use disorders at Wolf Creek Recovery – both because we treat them and because we’ve had them ourselves. We offer LSD addiction treatment that can empower you or your loved one to find joy in life again – without substances.

What We Treat: LSD and Substance Use Disorders

LSD doesn’t cause the same response in the brain as substances more typically associated with addiction, like opioids, cocaine, or meth. That doesn’t mean LSD addiction isn’t possible. While it may not have the exact same effects as other substances, people can still become psychologically reliant on it to have fun or feel better. They might take it so much that it interferes with their life, and continue despite the consequences. At that point, they might have an LSD addiction – which is officially known as a hallucinogen use disorder.

How We Treat: What to Expect From LSD Rehab With Wolf Creek Recovery

All of our treatment starts with an assessment. This will determine what your customized treatment plan will look like, and if it should include mental health care.

Then, you’ll take the first steps on your journey to recovery. This involves participating in multiple therapeutic activities at our facility during the day. In the evening, you’ll head back to the housing we provide on-site.

What do those therapeutic activities involve? A lot! We implement everything from traditional cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to reshape your thoughts and behavior, to team sports and time outdoors. You’ll learn how to manage and cope with your emotions in healthier ways, build new skills, and might also discover you really enjoy camping. 

An important part of treatment at Wolf Creek is having fun without substances, and finding joy in life again. It’s possible for anyone! That includes you and your loved one, too.

lsd addiction treatment wolf creek recovery

Signs of LSD Addiction and How to Know if You Need Treatment

You can apply the same criteria for other substance use disorders to hallucinogen use disorders too. If two or more of the following statements apply to you or your loved one, it’s a good idea to seek treatment:

  • You often take more LSD than you intended to
  • You’ve tried to stop taking LSD, but haven’t been able to
  • You have urges to take LSD
  • You need more LSD to achieve the effects you want
  • You spend a lot of time finding, taking, and recovering from LSD
  • You neglect responsibilities due to LSD
  • You’re still taking LSD even though it’s causing problems in your relationships
  • You’ve given up things you enjoyed in favor of taking LSD
  • You take LSD in dangerous situations

You still take LSD even though you know it’s hurting your physical or mental health

What You Need to Know About LSD Addiction

If your loved one has a hallucinogenic use disorder, it’s important to recognize they have a health condition. Just like any other health condition, it requires treatment, education, and compassion.

Taking LSD may seem like more of a “choice” than some other substances because it doesn’t change the brain as much, but every substance use disorder starts the same way: with a desire to escape.

For someone to walk away from substances, including LSD, they need to address what makes them feel like they need to take it to feel “okay.” Usually, it’s unresolved trauma, untreated mental health conditions, or extreme periods of stress. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to do this effectively and heal. Wolf Creek can help.

what we treat lsd and substance use disorders
how we treat what to expect from lsd rehab with wolf creek recovery

Start Your LSD Addiction Treatment in Arizona Today

If you or your loved one have been taking LSD for a long time, quitting might feel impossible. The truth is, it isn’t. You can do it!

There are a lot of wonderful parts of life you’re missing due to LSD. We want to help you see them, experience them, and leave LSD behind for good.

Wolf Creek Recovery provides substance use disorder treatment to Arizonans in need. LSD use is just one of countless things we treat, including any mental health conditions that occur alongside it. We hope you’ll contact us through our website, or by calling 1-833-732-8202. Let us empower you to build a life you love.