conflict between two people

When you have a friend or relative with a serious addiction, the only thing on your mind is getting them help. But what if your loved one refuses treatment? Are you able to force them into a program? It is possible. However, many factors will influence this decision, including the state you live in and your loved one’s mental and physical health. 

Arizona has options for those in a crisis situation. Involuntary commitment laws are put in place to help families get their loved ones into treatment if they desperately need it. But there’s a lot to this process, and this post will break down the basics. 

What You Need to Know About Involuntary Commitment in AZ

Every state has civil commitment laws that establish criteria for determining when involuntary treatment is necessary. Here in Arizona, there are a number of steps you’ll have to follow if you want to get your loved one into treatment without consent. 

Arizona rehab can be just as effective whether your loved one voluntarily chooses it or not. However, we do recommend staging an intervention first. Interventions can be effective at getting a person to accept help. If this doesn’t work, and you believe your loved one meets the criteria for involuntary commitment, you can proceed with these steps. 

  • Application. Fill out an application for involuntary evaluation. You can submit an application if you are over 18 and recently witnessed your loved one being in danger of hurting themselves or others, and they refuse to get help. 
  • Screening. Within 48 hours of filing the application, a behavioral health agency will meet with your loved one to determine if further evaluation is needed. The professional will determine if the individual needs rehab and is eligible for involuntary treatment. 
  • Court ordered evaluation. A judge must find a reasonable cause to believe the person is in danger of hurting themselves or others and is refusing help. Your loved one will also receive an attorney to represent their case. 
  • Court ordered treatment hearing. Following the doctor’s petition for court ordered treatment, the court will schedule a hearing within 6 working days of the application. 
  • Court order. The court will order treatment as long as there is clear and convincing evidence that the person is in need of treatment. They may be ordered to an inpatient or outpatient drug rehab in AZ
  • Patient release. The maximum period for court-ordered treatment is 365 days. However, this is only reserved for those who are gravely disabled.

Involuntary Drug Rehab in Arizona 

As you can see, it is possible to force someone into drug rehab in Arizona. However, there is a process, and the patient must meet a number of criteria, including being a danger to themselves or others, being unwilling to accept treatment and being gravely disabled. If you and the doctors cannot prove this, the court will not order treatment. Your loved one can also change their mind and agree to treatment. 

Wolf Creek Recovery sees positive results from people who willingly come to treatment, and those who are more or less forced. We typically recommend speaking with your loved one first, and then staging an intervention. The individual may be willing to accept help when they see the concern you have for them. 

Many of the people who work at our treatment facility are in recovery. We know firsthand what can motivate someone to accept help. Contact our admissions department to speak with one of our staff members. We are here for you!