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Phase Two Addiction Treatment

Wolf Creek Recovery provides addiction treatment services in various phases to ensure clients receive the support they need. Phase Two works with clients to help them make a successful transition to everyday life.

By this point, our clients already have a strong foundation that was built in Phase One.

With a solid framework and stabilized health, it’s now time to put your newly learned cognitive and behavioral skills into action! This way, when it’s time to transition home, you’ll be prepared for the challenges you may face as well as the joys to look forward to.

What is the Goal of Phase Two Treatment?

Wolf Creek Recovery - Phase Two Treatment
Phase Two treatment requires hard work because you’re applying your new skills to your personal relationships and everyday life. Our clinicians work with you to develop a healthy timeline for progress. Balance is important because you don’t want to move too quickly or too slowly.

Moving too fast can put you in situations that you’re not ready for. This can happen because people in recovery sometimes go through a “honeymoon phase” where they feel like they can do anything. Unfortunately, doing too much too soon can cause you to relapse.

On the other hand, if you move too slowly in your recovery, you can stall your growth. You’ll have to leave your comfort zone and take risks at times, so it’s important to know when to do so. Otherwise, your recovery will come to a standstill.

Wolf Creek Recovery will continue to walk alongside you on your journey and adjust your treatment plan as needed. You will stay in Phase Two for as long as our clinicians deem necessary.

Phase Two Therapies and Skills: What to Expect

Wolf Creek Recovery is committed to offering a full continuum of care, with each stage playing its part in the healing process. Here are some of the things you’ll be working on during your time at our recovery treatment center in Arizona.

Evidence-Based Therapies

Evidence-based therapies such as individual therapy, family therapy and trauma therapy will continue in Phase Two. Talk therapy is critical to the healing process, so we encourage our clients to continue their sessions. By now, you may be aware of what led to the substance use and how to better manage your emotions.

However, it’s also possible that you’re just breaking through. It takes some clients time to open up to their therapist and uncover hidden emotions. There is no set pace you have to follow as long as you are making progress.

Individual therapy will continue teaching you about yourself, while family therapy will continue restoring your family relationships. This is important for continued growth and development, particularly for those with dual diagnosis. In order for full healing to occur, both the mental illness and substance use disorder must be treated.

Outdoor Therapy

Outdoor adventure therapy is offered as part of our holistic therapy program. We strongly encourage clients to spend time outdoors whether it’s to play a sport or take in the sights and sounds around them. This is an effective way to inspire emotional healing, escape from a daily routine and see your problems in a new light.

One outdoor activity that most people seem to love is golf. Golf provides mental well-being benefits, including improved confidence, improved self-esteem and decreased anxiety. You can also enjoy an intense workout thanks to walking, swinging and carrying your bag. This is also a sport you can enjoy on your own or with a group of people.

If you’re not one to golf, we have plenty of other outdoor activities to try. We offer them to help clients build healthy habits and find alternative ways to cope with stress. And what better way to accomplish this than through nature, something that is accessible to everyone.

The key benefits to staying active outdoors are:

  • Overcome mental health challenges
  • Improve self-esteem and confidence
  • Enhance creativity and problem solving
  • Discover your sense of purpose
  • Encourage self-reflection and self-awareness

Create Meaningful Relationships

Some of your first relationships in the addiction recovery treatment center in Arizona will come from your family and support groups. Even if you have little interest in meeting others, we encourage all clients to create meaningful relationships. You don’t need to be with people all the time, but you do need to have healthy connections in your life.

Healthy relationships decrease stress, lead to longer lives and prevent you from being alone and isolated. But relationships are two-way streets. It’s important that you’re able to put in the effort, just as the other person is doing. Thankfully, you’ll draw from the experiences and lessons learned in group therapy and the 12 steps.

We also encourage you to maintain the relationships you started during treatment, as these connections will keep you invested in the addiction treatment community. While your friends and family mean well, they may not be able to relate to you like someone in recovery can. And, as you grow in your recovery, you can eventually become a sponsor or lead a group therapy session!

Regular Communication

Communication with our staff remains critical in Phase Two treatment. You’ll receive weekly updates from your therapists and staff members, along with the goals you should be working on.

Keep being open, honest and transparent with your clinical team at Wolf Creek Recovery. If you notice certain struggles, let us know during your individual or group therapy sessions. Ignoring these issues only leads to more stress and can sabotage your recovery later on.

Case Management Services

In order for clients to lead independent, productive lives, they must work, go to school or volunteer their time. This type of structure is important and provides people in recovery with stamina, purpose and motivation. But what if you haven’t worked in years or never finished high school?

Wolf Creek Recovery offers case management services to help you get back on your feet. These services focus on the practical aspects of sober living such as working, paying bills and having a sense of purpose. Some of the tasks your case manager will be able to help with are:

  • Resume building
  • Mock interviews
  • Education and school assistance
  • Transportation to court dates
  • Communication with lawyers
  • Finding resources in the community
Phase Two Treatment - Outdoor Adventure Therapy

Are You Ready for Phase Two Treatment? Contact Wolf Creek Recovery Today.

With Wolf Creek Recovery’s flexible treatment program, we can meet you where you are. If you’ve received some treatment and need more support to stay sober, Phase Two may be the best place to pick up your recovery. If you’re starting with Phase One, you’ll eventually transition into Phase Two. However you approach this stage in the journey, rest assured you’ll have plenty of opportunities to apply the skills you’re learning and prepare for a bright and successful future.

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At Wolf Creek Recovery – Treatment Center AZ, we take a values based approach when addressing substance use.


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