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12 Steps Addiction Treatment Program

The 12-step program was created by Alcoholics Anonymous and is used at many treatment facilities to help people in recovery understand their journey.

At Wolf Creek Recovery, we apply these principles to our program to help clients recover from their addiction. We realize that people have mixed opinions toward the 12 steps, but we want you to know that we simply look at them as a guide for building a new life – not an end-all-be-all solution.

When you contact our admissions department, our intake counselors will explain how the 12 steps fit into our program. We feel that once our clients are educated on the 12 steps and their purpose in the recovery experience, they’re more open to working the program.

The 12 Steps aren’t Just a Program – They’re a Lifestyle

Some people are eager to work the steps while others are not. If you have some resistance, know that you are not alone.

Prior to completing a treatment program, some people worry that they’ll spend the rest of their lives “sitting out.” They can’t drink to be social or take a puff of marijuana to chill out. They have to be careful about every event they attend, from a graduation party to a summer music festival.

With this mindset, it’s easy to feel bitter and resentful that you can’t engage in the same activities you used to. Thankfully, the 12 steps were created to fight this type of mindset and encourage people in recovery to live happily instead of just sober. For this reason, Wolf Creek Recovery sees it as our goal to help acclimate our clients to the 12-step culture.

What to Expect from the 12 Steps

The 12-steps program is inclusive and far-reaching. No matter where you are, a 12-step meeting is never far away. As you embark on the 12-step journey, you can expect to follow a set of principles that are designed to change your beliefs. This groundwork will help you create a sustainable recovery with the support and accountability you need.

Like any plan, each step has its purpose. Each step is to be followed in order and in its entirety. In other words, you can’t skip around or complete only half the step. Here is a basic breakdown of what the 12 steps are:

  1. Honesty. After years of denial, recovery begins with a simple admission of being power no less over your addiction.
  2. Faith. Before you can surrender to a higher power, you must believe that it can help you. A higher power can be anything – God, the universe or something else.
  3. Surrender. By recognizing that you cannot recover alone, you can surrender to a higher power.
  1. Soul searching. In this step, you identify your problems and get a clearer picture of how your behavior affects you and others.
  2. Integrity. This step encourages you to admit your wrongdoings in front of your higher power and another person.
  3. Acceptance. Accepting character defects as they are and allowing yourself to let them go is what acceptance is all about.
  4. Humility. Humility refers to asking your higher power to do something that cannot be done with willpower.
  5. Willingness. In this step, you’ll make a list of all the people you’ve hurt before coming to treatment.
  6. Forgiveness. To heal your relationships, you need to learn how to forgive yourself and others.
  7. Maintenance. This step teaches you how to take a daily inventory to keep your spiritual house clean.
  8. Making contact. Prayer and meditation are essential in step 11, as this is when you learn to connect with a higher power.
  9. Service. Lastly, carry this message to others and put the 12-step principles into action.

Do All Clients Have to Follow the 12 Steps?

Wolf Creek Recovery realizes that the 12 steps are not for everyone. Some people have had experiences with the program that left them unenthusiastic, while others have picked up negative feedback from their peers. We say that most people simply need to be educated on the 12 steps and find a group that works for them. Each group is independently run, so there is a chance that you will feel more comfortable in one group over another.

Because everything we do at Wolf Creek Recovery is for the individual, we will not force you to follow the 12 steps. All we ask is that you keep an open mind. An attitude of “belligerent denial” can stand in the way of having a new experience with the program – an experience that might change the course of your recovery.

Be aware that you do not need to be spiritual to benefit from the 12 steps, and there is no limit to the growth you can experience. With the 12-step fellowship, you will have an avenue to connect with others around a common problem and learn new solutions.

Make the 12 Steps a Positive Part of Your Recovery Journey

Once you complete treatment at Wolf Creek Recovery, we will encourage you to continue participating in 12-step meetings that are closer to your home. Not only will you learn how to live a fulfilling and happy life, but also you will be working toward a clean and healthy consciousness that does not feel triggered to use drugs or alcohol.

Learn more about how we integrate the 12-step philosophy into our program by calling our treatment center today.

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At Wolf Creek Recovery – Treatment Center AZ, we take a values based approach when addressing substance use.


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