woman choosing outpatient rehab in AZ

When seeking help for a substance use disorder, you may wonder if an outpatient rehab in AZ is enough for your needs. Outpatient rehabilitation has many benefits, including maintaining employment, affordability, flexibility and family support. You’ll drive back and forth most days of the week to receive treatment, allowing you to spend evenings and weekends with your family. 

However, some people need more than outpatient rehab. Inpatient rehab is ideal for individuals with severe substance use and mental health problems. The benefit to this type of care is that it removes you from your triggers, putting you in a safe and sober environment. This makes it easier to focus on your recovery. 

If you’re contemplating between outpatient and inpatient care, it’s important to know the strengths and limitations of each program. Here’s how to know if outpatient rehabilitation will be enough to meet your needs. 

How Severe is Your Addiction? 

The first step is to assess your needs. Many people who use substances don’t realize the extent of their problem, so it can help to talk to family and friends. How much is your substance use affecting your day-to-day life? Has it come in between you and your relationships? Have you lost your job due to drug or alcohol use? 

Outpatient rehab is best for treating mild to moderate addictions. You will be living at home, which means you’ll need to manage your triggers. You’ll also be responsible for getting to and from therapy and meetings. If you are unable to do this, an inpatient program will probably be a better fit. 

Also, consider the state of your mental health. Have you been diagnosed with a mental health condition? Are you being treated for one? You are a good candidate for outpatient rehab if your mental health is stable. If your symptoms are not yet controlled, you may require time in an inpatient facility first. 

Do You Need ‘Round-the-Clock Monitoring? 

Since inpatient rehab is designed to treat more severe conditions, it offers around-the-clock care. This is important for those who have untreated mental health disorders, severe withdrawal symptoms or thoughts of self-harm or suicide. If you feel that you need 24-hour support, an inpatient rehab provides this level of monitoring. 

Outpatient rehab, on the other hand, does not offer 24/7 support. However, this does not mean that you can’t receive help when you’re away from the treatment facility. There are still many resources you can take advantage of when you need them, such as online support groups and AA/NA meetings. 

Have You Been Assessed by an Outpatient Rehab in AZ?

Fortunately, you are not alone in your decision making. Not only do you (hopefully) have the support of family and friends, but also rehab facilities offer free initial assessments. When you call Wolf Creek Recovery, your call will be answered by one of our caring, compassionate professionals. Many of us are in recovery, so we can offer some firsthand perspective into your needs. 

While further assessments will be done, the initial evaluation helps us understand your needs and determine if we have the tools and resources to treat your addiction. You should never feel forced into picking a certain rehab – it’s all about finding the right level of support for your needs. 

Do You Have a Safe, Sober Living Environment? 

The people who do best in our outpatient rehab in AZ are those who have supportive families and sober living environments. Do you feel that your family supports your recovery? Will they keep prescription medications and alcohol locked up? Will they refrain from using substances in front of you? Do they plan on attending family therapy? 

When your family plays an active role in your recovery, it’s much easier to get healthy. But if your living environment is toxic and your family won’t agree to keep a sober home, then outpatient rehab may not be the best fit. In this case, you may benefit from an inpatient program, followed by outpatient rehab and sober living. 

How are You Managing Withdrawal Symptoms and Cravings?

Another factor to consider is the withdrawal symptoms you are experiencing, if any. While most physical symptoms ease up after a week, it’s not uncommon to experience psychological withdrawal symptoms for weeks and months later. For many individuals, the cravings are the hardest part to endure. 

Fortunately, outpatient rehab may still be an option, even if you’re experiencing strong withdrawal symptoms. Medication-assisted therapy (MAT) treats opioid use disorders and alcohol use disorders by decreasing cravings and easing withdrawal symptoms. 

MAT has been a huge advancement in the addiction treatment field. Thanks to this therapy, many individuals are able to move from detox to an outpatient program. All medications are safe and approved by the FDA. Some may even be used long-term. 

Are You Ready to Accept Responsibility?

One of the unique benefits of outpatient rehab is that you get to go out into the real world and practice the skills you are learning. This can be far less overwhelming than being away for a month and then transitioning back home. Little by little, you can re-integrate into society while having access to therapy and a strong support system. 

However, with this comes a lot of responsibility. Sobriety is something that you need to work at – you can’t get complacent. You must be at a point in your recovery where you can hold yourself accountable for your choices and actions. You’ll be responsible for getting yourself to and from therapy, practicing the skills you’re learning and building a life of sobriety. 

Start Your Journey at Our Outpatient Rehab in AZ

Wolf Creek Recovery is an outpatient rehabilitation center in Prescott AZ. We work closely with our clients to design personalized treatment plans that meet their unique needs. With two phases of care, along with extended care support, we can take individuals as soon as they complete detox. To learn more about the therapies we offer and how we can help you start the path to sobriety, contact our team today.