IIntegrated Treatment for Co-occurring Disorders: A Holistic Approach in Arizona
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Many people seeking drug or alcohol treatment have a co-occurring mental illness. Unfortunately, this can substantially impact their chances of recovery. With integrated treatment for co-occurring disorders in Arizona, you can receive targeted and evidence-based therapies to help treat both conditions simultaneously. You heal your body, mind, and soul with a holistic approach.

Understanding Co-Occurring Disorders

When a person has both a mental health disorder and a substance use disorder simultaneously, they are referred to as co-occurring disorders or as a dual diagnosis. According to SAMHSA, 38% of people with a substance use disorder also struggle with a mental illness.1

Common co-occurring disorders include diagnoses such as:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder

The relationship between mental illness and substance use disorders goes two ways. On the one hand, many people turn to substance use to self-medicate the symptoms of their mental illness. On the other hand, many people develop mental health disorders as a consequence of their addiction.

Regardless of how you come to have multiple mental health challenges, integrated treatment for co-occurring disorders in Arizona is the best way to achieve a lasting and worthwhile recovery.

Integrated Treatment Options for Dual Diagnosis in Arizona

At Wolf Creek Recovery, integrated treatment is at the heart of our substance use and mental health treatment model. Each client who comes to our facility gets a careful and thorough dual-diagnosis assessment and an individualized treatment plan to ensure that every aspect of their recovery receives the attention it deserves.

This starts on day one with our team of addiction and mental health professionals. Clients undergo a thorough assessment and diagnosis process, which can help root out any underlying issues that may be impacting their recovery. The importance of accurate diagnosis cannot be understated: a wrong diagnosis, or a missed diagnosis, can lead to ineffective treatment methods and an increased risk of relapse.

After determining whether our clients have co-occurring disorders, our team assembles a roadmap to recovery that encompasses all aspects of physical and mental health. This could include meeting with a psychiatrist for specialized medication regimens, specific styles of therapy that are well-suited to treat co-occurring disorders, or specialized group therapy options to help people recover from multiple co-occurring disorders.

Some of the integrated treatment options at Wolf Creek Recovery include:

  • Psychiatric medication management
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Dialectical behavior therapy
  • Mental health support groups
  • Group therapy for mental illness

At our dual-diagnosis treatment center, peer support and group therapy in integrated treatment are paramount. Our experience has shown us that often, the people in the best position to help others with co-occurring disorders are those with similar challenges who can provide support and actionable strategies for recovery.

Benefits of Holistic Approach in Integrated Treatment

While the evidence-based therapies offered at our program are essential, a holistic approach ensures that the whole person is treated. Rather than simply treating the symptoms of mental illness or a substance use disorder, holistic treatment focuses on healing mind, body, and soul together, offering several effective self-care strategies for individuals with co-occurring disorders.

Some of the holistic strategies we use include:


Mindfulness meditation is a valuable tool for helping people resist cravings, work through anxiety, and live more mindful and connected lives. Meditation is a simple practice to learn, but it can quickly become a tool used in various scenarios to help people achieve holistic mental health.


Yoga combines elements of meditation and exercise into a continuous, flowing practice. Not only does yoga help your body feel better physically, but it can also tremendously boost your overall mental health.

Art Therapy

Art therapy brings people together to engage in fun and fulfilling creative pursuits. A specialized art therapist teaches people to connect to their feelings, emotions, and challenges through the medium of art. Art therapy can be an enjoyable way to work through co-occurring substance use and mental health challenges.

Choosing the Right Integrated Treatment Program

Many treatment centers advertise themselves as providing services for dual-diagnosis treatment or co-occurring disorders. But not all of them truly have the tools to help people overcome mental health challenges. Choosing an effective facility for integrated treatment for co-occurring disorders in Arizona is paramount if you want to maximize your chances of recovery.

A few key things can help you determine whether an integrated program can offer you these full benefits:

  • A licensed psychiatrist on staff
  • Therapists and counselors with specialized training in multiple therapeutic modalities
  • Medication management
  • A combination of evidence-based and holistic treatment options

Make sure the facility you choose has these components in place to start you on the right foot on your path to recovery.

Integrated Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders in Arizona at Wolf Creek Recovery

At Wolf Creek Recovery, we understand that addiction doesn’t occur in a vacuum and that overcoming a substance use disorder isn’t just a matter of treating symptoms. The path to a long and healthy recovery requires that people find holistic physical and mental health and have the tools to sustain their recovery for a lifetime.

Call our team today to learn more about our integrated treatment program, or fill out our confidential online contact form. You can recover from addiction – and the team at Wolf Creek Recovery can help show you the way.



[1] https://nida.nih.gov/research-topics/comorbidity/comorbidity-substance-use-other-mental-disorders-infographic