Benefits of an Extended Care Rehab Program
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If you’ve ever researched the effectiveness of drug rehab, you likely discovered that this information is hard to come by. While we do know that some treatment is better than no treatment, it’s difficult to determine how effective a single stay in rehab is.

For many people, the addiction recovery process often involves periods of relapse. Some people may only relapse once, while others relapse several times before getting sober. Therefore, how do researchers decide what “successful” treatment means? Is it staying sober for six months? Twelve months? Two years?

But research has taught us one thing: longer-term care is tied to improved outcomes. This makes sense, as the more time a person has to work on their recovery, the stronger they are when they return to everyday life.

If you are considering an extended care drug rehab in Arizona, here are four benefits to be aware of.

1. A Longer Time Away from Negative Influences

A major benefit of being in an extended care program is that it allows you to spend more time away from negative influences. These influences are often what cause people to relapse when they return home. By being away from toxic people and triggering places, you’ll have fewer distractions and be able to focus 100% on your recovery.

2. More Time in a Structured and Supportive Environment

Another advantage to staying in an extended care treatment center in AZ is the structured environment. People in recovery do best when they heal in a safe and supportive setting that is free from drugs and alcohol. However, this is difficult to do when you return home. Alcohol (and sometimes marijuana) is legal and socially acceptable, so you might be faced with this temptation sooner than later.

3. Daily Support and Supervision

An extended care program provides long term support, monitoring and supervision. This is especially helpful for those with severe addictions, past trauma or underlying mental health conditions. Your family might not be able to provide you with daily supervision. Even if they can be there, they may not know how to help when you’re feeling down. A long-term program will.

4. More Time to Heal and Balance Brain Chemistry

It takes time to recover from an addiction. Many medical professionals suggest that it takes an average of ninety days for dopamine recovery, but it can take 12 months or longer for damage to be restored. Emotional healing takes even longer. With long-term treatment, you’ll have time to balance your brain chemistry before transitioning to everyday life.

If you believe that you or a loved one can benefit from an extended care drug and alcohol rehab in Prescott AZ, contact Wolf Creek Recovery today. We offer an Extended Care Program that lasts a minimum of 90 days, lowering your risk for relapse. This may be what you need to kick your habit for good!