Your best chance of achieving long-term success in addiction treatment is choosing an inpatient rehab in Prescott that offers a quality program. Clinical studies have concluded that the longer a patient remains in rehab, the lower the risk of relapse. If you dream of a life where addiction has no place, Wolf Creek Recovery has the perfect program for you. Our drug and alcohol use treatment is made available in a residential setting that is safe, comfortable and accommodating to your needs. Why not call a counselor from Wolf Creek Recovery now to find out more about our programs?

7 Treatment Programs We Offer At Wolf Creek Recovery

1. Detox referral from WCR will put you in touch with the best detox facility in Arizona. Medical detox will ensure your safety and comfort while toxins are removed from your body and you begin the healing process. With MAT treatment, there’s no need to fear painful withdrawals or intense physical symptoms in rehab.

2. Phase One addiction treatment is where treatment at Wolf Creek Recovery will begin. Learning about your addiction and how it affects your life and behaviors is all part of Phase One treatment. While you learn the skills you’ll need to live a life free from addiction, you’ll gain the confidence of success in rehab.

3. Phase Two of recovery at WCR is about safely transitioning out of rehab and into your home life without fear of relapse. As you spread your wings and fly, you’ll maintain access to a strong support system, new friends, and brand-new tools to conquer triggers.

4. If you thought rehab would be boring, you’re in for a big surprise when you check in to Wolf Creek Recovery. We believe the best drug addiction treatment centers know how to keep patients engaged during off-time, which is why we have designed adventure activities and therapies. Through our program, you may discover a hidden talent or love for tennis, paddle boarding, canoeing, or camping.

5. A quality substance abuse treatment program addresses all of the patient’s needs, not just the physical. At Wolf Creek Recovery, we take a holistic approach to wellness by offering programs that meet the emotional, spiritual, and mental needs of patients, as well as the physical.

6. Top drug rehab centers give patients time to heal from the negative impact of addiction. We are pleased to offer extended care at Wolf Creek Recovery for patients who wish to stay in recovery for 90 days or longer.

7. We’re not rated the best drug and alcohol rehab for no reason. Our staff continues to look for new protocols for treating addiction, such as Dual Diagnosis, which addresses addiction and the underlying mental health disorders that often prevent patients from healing fully from addiction.

Call Wolf Creek Recovery at 833-732-8202 for addiction treatment information, over-the-phone counseling, and assistance with placement into one of our programs. If you need to detox prior to checking in to our inpatient rehab in Prescott, we can refer you to the best detox facility in the region.

Inpatient Rehab Prescott

Wolf Creek Recovery

(833) 732-8202
600 E Gurley St Suite C

Prescott AZ 86301 US

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